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Royal Wootton Bassett
Town Council

We honour those who serve

t: 01793 850222


Budget and Precept 2025/26

At its meeting on 12th December 2024, the Town Council set the precept demand for 2025/26 at £1,390,589. This gives an increase to an equivalent Band D property of £41.05 per year to £290.13, which is £5.60 per week, an increase of 81p per week from last year. 

The main factors contributing to the precept increase are: increasing fixed costs which includes our utilities, waste management, insurance and business rates etc; costs associated with addressing vandalism to public toilets; our commitment to youth services and the youth club in the town; securing and maintaining the Coronation Country Park from Wainhomes; and the redevelopment of Manor House to provide much needed community rooms for hire. We also have an ongoing review of all our financial processes, to ensure best practice and value for money. 

The Town Council will be investing in a range of projects and core services to benefit Royal Wootton Bassett residents including the ongoing replacement programme of our play parks, the development of a Bassett Skate Park and a multi-use games area, cemetery maintenance, facilities, floral displays, events, civic occasions, community grants, expanding our CCTV coverage, setting up and supporting a Bassett Business Forum, and the ongoing development of a strategic town plan development 

The Chair of Revenue and Resources, Cllr Martin Denz said in supporting the 2025/26 budget “I’d like to thank my fellow Councillors and our dedicated Officers for their thorough work in scrutinising and refining this year’s budget. Over recent years, we’ve worked hard to keep increases to an absolute minimum while maintaining the quality of services our residents rely on. This budget reflects our commitment to investing in Royal Wootton Bassett’s future – enhancing facilities, supporting youth services, and protecting our heritage – while ensuring every pound delivers value for money. Together, we are building a town that honours its traditions and meets the needs of our growing community.” 

To read the full budget summary, it can be found here. 

A-Z of Services: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z