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Royal Wootton Bassett
Town Council

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Coronation Country Park – Transfer from Wainhomes

The Town Council are pleased to announce the transfer of 48 acres of land on Brynards Hill, on the southern edge of the town, from Wain Homes to Royal Wootton Bassett Town Council, securing the land for the community for years to come.

This has been a long-held ambition of the Town Council to take on this land, but it is only in the last 2 years that discussions with Wain Homes have taken place with council officers.

In February 2023, the Town Council approved delegated authority to the Chief Officer, Mark Hopkins, to progress discussions with Wain Homes about their offer to transfer the land, which excludes the two play parks. The Town Council confirmed its desire to take on the Country Park, and it is seen as an important asset for the future of our town. Completion of the transfer took place on Wednesday 8th January 2025.

This a significant moment in the history of Royal Wootton Bassett as it presents an exciting opportunity for local residents and organisations to shape how this park can benefit the whole town.

This will be a fabulous space for recreation, nature and improving connections across town, so we are keen to engage with local people and organisations to collectively agree how it might be improved.

Over the coming months, working with the Royal Wootton Bassett Environment Trust and residents, the Town Council will review the area, and identify any maintenance required, opportunities to plant more trees, and how we can enhance and protect this area, for the enjoyment of everyone in our town. Your ideas are welcome.

Royal Wootton Bassett Mayor, Cllr Pat Farrow, said; “I am so proud and delighted that the final legal process has been completed, and the Country Park has been transferred from Wainhomes to Royal Wootton Bassett. I want to thank everyone who have worked to make this vision a reality”.
The park will be a tremendous asset for the town and all its the residents, now and for generations to come.

Technical Director, Jeremy Johnson, at Wain Homes said, “Wain Homes are delighted to facilitate the transfer of Country Park to the town of Royal Wotton Bassett. The Country Park presents a valuable asset for all to enjoy with breath taking views and an abundance of open space. We have no doubt the Town Council will be admirable custodians and offer our thanks for the hard work of those involved in the hand over.

Dave Gardner from the RWB Environment Trust praised councillors for grasping the opportunity to secure the land from the threat of further housing developments, saying “For many years we’ve been campaigning to ensure that the promised Country Park is delivered. I congratulate the Town Council on their vision and their confidence in volunteer organisations such as ourselves to help. We can now preserve this green space with its fantastic views across the surrounding countryside for the benefit of residents and visitors to Royal Wootton Bassett and we’ll be working alongside the Town Council team to further enhance the ecology of the site for the benefit of wildlife”.

Signs have already been placed at the various entrances to the Country Park to let visitors know about the transfer, and over the next few weeks you will see the Grounds Team working with the RWB Environment Trust and other volunteers, to plant nearly 30 trees, donated by Wain Homes, to replace trees that have failed to grow, or that have been damaged.

Mark Hopkins, Chief Officer of Royal Wootton Bassett Town Council, and lifelong resident of the town, said “As a resident I remember Cllr Chris Wannell telling me about the council’s ambition of taking on the country park about 15yrs ago, I am so pleased to have been able to pick up this issue, and deliver this commitment of the council for our town. I am very grateful to Jeremy Johnson and his colleagues, for the help and support with the transfer. “

There will be a handover ceremony soon, and we are planning an event for residents to come and visit the area in the Spring.

We will be setting up a small steering group to look at plans of managing the Country Park, and further information will follow.

Photo view taken from Coronation Country Park Photo taken of Coronation Country Park Photo taken of lake in Coronation Country Park Map outlining the boundary for Coronation Country Park

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