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Royal Wootton Bassett
Town Council

We honour those who serve

t: 01793 850222


Latest Town Council News

Latest Town Council News

At the Full Council meeting held on Thursday 13th October 2022, Councillors voted to co-opt Katherine Wilson onto the Council for the vacancy in the East Ward. Members received presentations from 3 candidates before casting their votes.

At the same meeting, a working party was set up with Councillors Paul Heaphy, Andrew Matthews and Carole Tan to discuss a possible event for the King’s Coronation next May. The group will be meeting in 2 weeks’ time where they will discuss ideas and propose a budget to the next meeting of the Revenue & Resources committee on Thursday 17th November 2022. More information on this will come soon.

The Town Council are continuing to invest in community safety. Three CCTV cameras were no longer compatible and have now been replaced using monies received via the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) which is money received via Wiltshire Council as the local planning authority, from new development in the town to contribute towards delivering necessary infrastructure.

Residents will have seen the crossing works near to the War Memorial have now been completed by Wiltshire Council, in time for the Remembrance Service on Sunday 13th November 2022 at 2pm. As part of the pedestrian signals upgrade scheme, Wiltshire Council agreed to the funding and installing of new cycle racks near to Oscars Grill and the bike shop. This initiative was driven by a working group of Councillors who wanted to find suitable areas to provide more bicycle parking on the High Street.

Please keep an eye out on social media and the website for further updates. The working party for the King’s Coronation will be reaching out to local businesses and residents to join in with the planning.

For further information, please contact the Royal Wootton Bassett Town Council office on 01793 850222.

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