Full Council Meeting 13th October 2022
Please see notice below.
Residents can view the Agendas and Appendices for the meetings on the Council Meetings calendar found on the home page.
Noticing Nature art workshops
Firefighter Recruitment Evening
Mayor’s Christmas Card Competition
New Traffic Regulation Order
RWB Camera Club Events
Please see upcoming events with Royal Wootton Bassett Camera Club:
Notice of Uncontested Election
Please see below Notice of Uncontested Election:
Revenue & Resources Meeting
Please see notice below.
Residents can view the Agendas and Appendices for the meetings on the Council Meetings calendar found on the home page.
At a council meeting on September 1st, the Amenities Committee of Royal Wootton Bassett Town Council decided to continue to fund its youth club for 11-19s (up to 25 with SEND), which operates on Mondays at the Memorial Hall and which is run by The RISE Trust.
At the meeting, the committee allocated a further £8924 to the project with 50% from its funds and 50% from funds provided by the Royal Wootton Bassett & Cricklade area board, to ensure the project’s continuation.
These important funds will enable local youth sessions to continue, where young people have access to activities and refreshments at no cost, but also to free toiletries, sanitary supplies, free uniform, help applying for grants, emergency food packs, as well as support and advice.
With the cost of living crisis and the incumbent winter weather approaching, it is hoped that this youth group will continue to provide a place to offer needed supplies and support, in a safe, warm space.
Whilst currently the group sees an average 20 young people in attendance each week, it has around 50 registered to attend and new members are still being welcomed each week alongside returning young people.
In response to this growth, organisers have needed to take the decision to create two timeslots on the same evening, in order that they can best meet the needs of young people of different ages. Between 6.15-7.15pm year 7s and 8s are welcomed. From 7.30-8.30pm year 9s and above.
With funding becoming less and less available organisers are also looking to a wider pool of funding sources to protect the vital service.
Young people wanting to attend who are resident in Royal Wootton Bassett can simply turn up to attend on Monday evenings (with the exclusion of Monday 19th of September). Those wanting to learn more should follow The RISE Trust Youth on Instagram: @the_rise_trust_youth
Cllr Sue Hughes, Chair of Amenities said:
“We’ve known for a while that our young people face many challenges including those of poor mental health and we also know that ongoing support from trusted youth workers plays a key role, but now with the financial challenges faced by many families, this is so much more important. This project must continue.”
For further information, please contact the Royal Wootton Bassett Town Council office on 01793 850222.