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Royal Wootton Bassett
Town Council

We honour those who serve

t: 01793 850222


Press Release – Wiltshire Local Plan

This Autumn Wiltshire Local draft plan is going to public consultation, known as Regulation 19, starting from Wednesday 27th September to Wednesday 22nd November 2023.

The draft plan sets out to 2038, proposals for 1,340 homes over 4 sites and 6 hectares of employment land, along with associated infrastructure in and around Royal Wootton Bassett.

It is important that residents of Royal Wootton Bassett have their say and register their views. To this end, Wiltshire Council have arranged public sessions in towns around the county. The one for Royal Wootton Bassett will be held on Wednesday 11th October 2023 from 3 pm to 7pm at Wootton Bassett Library. Anyone interested can drop in at any time during this period and meet Wiltshire Council officers to find our more, ask questions and be informed on how to respond to this consultation.

For those unable to make the drop-in session, a live webinar will be held on Tuesday 10th October 2023 from 6.30pm to 8pm on Microsoft Teams. It will feature a presentation, followed by the opportunity to ask questions. Registration is required to join, via the Live webinar registration form. Details found on Wiltshire Council website  including the Plan documents.

The Town Council has commissioned a planning consultant to review the draft plan and they will present their findings at a Planning Committee meeting on Thursday 21st September 2023 in the Sixth Form Lecture Theatre, Royal Wootton Bassett Academy, Lime Kiln starting at 7pm. All welcome.


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