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Royal Wootton Bassett
Town Council

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t: 01793 850222


Old Court Play Park

Old Court Play Park can be located behind Noremarsh Junior School, using post code SN4 8QY.
This play park has a two play areas; a junior park for children over 5 and a toddler area for children under 5 which has a climbing frame, slide and swings for children to enjoy!

If you are into fitness, there are chin up bars and an agility trail as well as goal posts for a good game of footie.

Old Court Play Park – Path to play area

At the Amenities Committee meeting of Royal Wootton Bassett Town Council on Thursday 23rd February 2023, the Committee approved a budget of £600 for a path to allow easy access to the play area.

In February 2023, a resident Evie Smith, age 10, a pupil from Noremarsh School, wrote to the new Town Clerk & Business Manager, Mark Hopkins, about a problem with accessibility to the play area in Old Court Play Park, which already included accessible play equipment.

On Monday 20th February 2023, Evie and her friend Lydia, met with Cllr Sue Hughes, Chair of the Amenities Committee, Bryan, Grounds Maintenance Services Manager, and Mark, to look at the problem that they were concerned about, and help put together a plan for a new path, including measuring the area and discussing a suitable material and surface. Evie and Lydia then attended the Amenities Committee meeting, and presented their ideas, and the possible solution.

The committee members had a number of questions for Evie and Lydia, before they unanimously agreed to support the proposal and agreed a budget of £600 for a temporary path and agreed to also look at a more permanent solution. The committee members were impressed with how Evie and Lydia had raised this issue and engaged so positively with the Town Council to come up with a solution.

The Grounds Team have completed the new path, creating easy access to the play area for residents and visitors to enjoy, just in time for the Easter Holidays.

Please click on photos below for more information.

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