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Royal Wootton Bassett
Town Council

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t: 01793 850222


Play Parks

22nd March 2023

At the Full Council meeting of Royal Wootton Bassett Town Council on Thursday 16th March 2023, the Council approved the continuation of the tree planting programme across Royal Wootton Bassett including the Gift a Tree scheme.

The planting programme for 2022/23 saw Royal Wootton Bassett Town Council work with RWB Environment Trust (RWBET) to plant over 1,836 trees and whips (small trees) across the town. The Grounds Team; together with RWBET volunteers, dedicated over 550 hours of time to planting the various trees and whips throughout the town. The Gift a Tree scheme was included in the programme which invited people and businesses to gift a tree to one of our six parks. Currently the scheme has seen 62 trees planted with 40 trees still available.

To protect the newly planted trees we are changing our grass cutting programme. You will notice the area around the trees will be cut twice a year, so the trees will be situated within scalloped areas of longer grass, which is aesthetically pleasing, as well as affording some physical protection and moisture retention for the trees.

As we plan for the next phase of the tree planting programme our Grounds Team have been continuing their work with Dave Gardner of the RWBET to discuss suitable sites for additional trees.  We will keep you updated as we confirm new areas for the trees.

If you would like to sponsor one of these trees, please pick up an application form from the office at The Manor House, Lime Kiln or email  or contact us via the webform for application to be emailed to you.

Please see diagram and photo of the Jacqui Woolford Memorial Park.

Diagram of Jacqui Woolford Memorial Park
Photograph of Jacqui Woolford Memorial Park

Royal Wootton Bassett has 7 children’s play parks which are owned and maintained by the Town Council. All parks differ in the type of equipment they offer to suit various age ranges. The town’s junior schools were involved in the design for the signs for the play areas and even the choice of equipment for some of our parks. Most play parks have CCTV coverage.

We are pleased to announce that we are beginning to install accessible play equipment, starting with Old Court Toddler Park and Otter Way Play Park. We hope that they are enjoyed and greatly used.

To locate the parks, please view Map and Key. Click below to see the many parks we have to offer.

Every year the play parks are inspected by ROSPA to ensure the parks are safe and maintained to the highest standard. Our grounds team visit the play parks twice a week to inspect the equipment and more so during busy periods, particularly during the summertime and school holidays.

Litter, unfortunately and in particular during the busy summer periods, seems to be coming a more challenging problem and we would encourage users of the park to use the litter bins provided. Dogs are welcome at the parks, however please ensure they do not enter the gated areas for children safety. Please ensure all fouling is picked up and disposed off correctly. Dog poo can be put into the litter bins.

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