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Royal Wootton Bassett
Town Council

We honour those who serve

t: 01793 850222


RWB Community Together


Whilst the South West Bloom competition has fully returned, the RWB Community Together group will not be entering this year.

May we wish all who enter great success.

RWB Community Together

South West in Bloom

Royal Wootton Bassett Community Together is made up of volunteers from other organisations and groups around the town who team up to enter into a regional competition called South West in Bloom.

South West in Bloom is part of the Royal Horticultural Society’s Britain in Bloom competition. Their main ethos is to bring together communities to create a sustainable environment. Visit for more information.

Community Together has been entering the competition since 2015 and bought home many awards for our town and community:

2015 – GOLD Pennant Class and BEST NEWCOMER

2016 – GOLD Pennant Class

2017 – GOLD High Street Award

2018 – GOLD Pennant Class and Best Public House Display for The Angel Hotel

2019 – GOLD – Sargent Cup

2020 – Competition cancelled due to Covid 19 pandemic

2021 – No entry

Last entry in 2019

2019 was slightly different to previous years when we’ve moved away from the Pennant Class which was for newbies, and stepped into the main competition going against towns of similar population. Towns were judged using the same criteria as Britain in Bloom, meaning everything was harder and more intense. Our category was called the Sargent Cup and Royal Wootton Bassett was awarded a phenomenal GOLD for 2019.

Please click Portfolio 2019 to download a copy.

photo of community together


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