Wiltshire Local Plan
Wiltshire Local Plan sets out a vision and a framework of future development in Wiltshire. It is drawn up in consultation with the community, providing a platform for local people to shape their surroundings. The Government requires every Local Plan to be reviewed at least once every five years. Wiltshire Local Plan, the Wiltshire Core Strategy was adopted in 2015 and is therefore being reviewed.
To find out more about the process in developing the plan and more, please visit Wiltshire Council website.
From Wednesday 27th September 2023 to Wednesday 27th November 2023 Wiltshire Council ran a public consultation, known as Regulation 19 of the draft Local Plan. The plan set out, to 2038, proposals for 1340 homes over 4 sites and 6 hectares of employment land, along with associated infrastructure in and around Royal Wootton Bassett.
The Council took action by:-
- Implementing a social media campaign to inform residents where to find information, when and where Wiltshire Council’s public drop-in events and webinar session were happening, as well as what and how to submit comments.
- Contacting National Highways England, Wessex Water, Thames Water, and SSE plc to understand the impact of the proposed planned growth on the town’s existing infrastructure.
- Planning Meeting held on 21st September 2023 – receiving a presentation from DLP Planning and subsequently commissioning them to prepare a formal written representation on behalf of the Council for submission to this consultation. This included examining the Transport Evidence Base prepared by Atkins on behalf of Wiltshire Council.
Timeline of the Local Plan Review and what happens next
The Wiltshire Local Development Scheme (LDS) sets out the Development Plan Documents prioritised for production by Wiltshire Council and the timetable for their preparation that will, when complete, together with other adopted documents, comprise the Development Plan for Wiltshire. A summary of the progression of the Local Plan review is published on Wiltshire Council website.
Following the successful Local Plan Consultation, Wiltshire Council received more than 8,000 comments from the public, Wiltshire Council members, businesses, community groups and town & parish councils, which they will publish all comments in the coming months. The outcome of the consultation will be reported to Cabinet and Council, to find out date and times please view their calendar of meetings.
Wiltshire Council anticipate that the Publication of plan for pre-submission consultation and preparation for submission following consultation will be completed by spring 2024, followed by Submission to Secretary of State. Once examination (including hearing, and receipt of Inspector’s report) has been completed, Wiltshire Council will be seeking to adopt the plan by the end of 2024.